Eddy Associates

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The Coaching ProgramBiosContact

Executive Coaching is a highly individualized development program designed to address the unique needs of senior corporate or non profit officers or those more junior individuals who are being groomed for this level of responsibility. Typically executive coaching provides both theory and practical applications to develop and expand an individual’s repertoire of leadership competencies and their ability to deal effectively with executive level challenges. Such challenges might include:
  • the need for strategic thinking
  • new disciplines or greatly expanded functional responsibilities
  • leadership in a new culture or new industry
  • high visibility presentation or communication requirements high levels of complexity, ambiguity or stress
  • first time General Manager assignments
  • the need for nuanced interpersonal skill or emotional intelligence
  • balancing work and life demands to honor priorities in both spheres
Sometimes coaching is primarily a vehicle for providing senior officers with a knowledgeable and confidential sounding board as they develop their leadership strategy, style or point of view. Sometimes it takes the place of external university education when it is difficult for an executive to take ‘time out’ for leadership development. Often it is a way to help talented leaders overcome bad habits or dysfunctional behaviors that are inhibiting their ability to maximize their own performance and that of their teams and organizations.

Coaching in this context is not a quick fix but a comprehensive process designed to help an individual leader understand the strengths and weakness of his or her own style and approach as it applies at this time in this organization and to develop a customized plan for accelerating their professional growth and translating it into bottom line results.

At Eddy Associates, this process has 3 phases: assessment, strategy development and implementation.

  • Guided self assessment
  • Normative testing comparing the executive with a broad array of leaders in similar roles
  • In depth interviews with 6-10 colleagues who are impacted by the executive’s style or performance ( subordinates, peers and superiors)
  • Evaluation by a licensed industrial psychologist
  • Integrated feedback highlighting strengths as well as areas needing development
Strategy Development
  • Clarification of the individual’s career and life goals and exploration of how success in the current assignment will further their own aspirations
  • Development of a set of coaching objectives
  • Creation of an action plan with indicators and time lines
  • Discussions with colleagues (bosses, subs, and peers as appropriate) to enlist their understanding and support
  • Weekly or bi-weekly meetings or calls with the coach for one or two hours
  • Attendance by the coach at meetings, interviews, presentations etc, as appropriate
  • Readings, digital resources, classes, workshops or other educational activities
  • Developmental exercises
  • Periodic conversations with members of the executive’s team to assess progress and redirect activity as needed

All conversations are confidential.

Coaching support is normally provided for 6 months to a year and may be extended after this period on a quarter by quarter basis.

Fees are determined on a case by case basis depending on the issues and level of the potential coachee.